In this article, we will cover some country-specific available configurations in Perfex CRM, feel free to apply them in your WEBIN CRM if they fit your needs.
Date Format and Time Format
Date and time format can be easily changed by navigating to Setup->Settings->Localization
Company Information Format
Your company information format can be changed in Setup->Settings->Company Information, scroll to the bottom and apply the changes with the available merge fields in the Company Information Format (PDF and HTML) textarea.
Thousand and Decimal Separator
Thousand and Decimal separator can be changed in Setup->Settings->Finance.
This is the general configuration for numbers, if you are looking for an option to configure this per currency, you will be able to do this per currency in Setup->Finance->Currencies
Taxes per item in transactions (invoice, estimate etc…)
In case you don’t want to show tax per item per eq invoice you can turn off tax per item in Setup->Settings->Finance and set Show TAX per item to No
Note that when creating transaction eq invoice you will still need to add the tax in the item area, this option is only for the tax in HTML/PDF invoice to be hidden or not.
Customers Address Format
Customers address format can be changed in Setup->Settings->Customers, scroll to the bottom and apply the changes with the available merge fields in the Customer Information Format (PDF and HTML) textarea.
PDF Document Formats
Navigate to Setup->Settings->PDF->Document Formats to change the PDF documents format in case you need different format other than A4 Portrait. Many countries use different formats for PDF documents.
You can easily change the format to A4 Portrait, A4 Landscape, Letter Landscape or Letter Portrait.
Invoice, Estimate, Credit Note Number Format
Eq. to change the number format for your invoices, you can navigate to Setup->Settings->Finance->Invoices and find the option Invoice Number Format
Currently, available number formats are the following:
- Number Based (000001)
Year Based (YYYY/000001)
- 000001-YY
- 000001/MM/YYYY
VAT Number Field In Customer Profile
VAT Number is used if your company is doing business in Europe, in case you don’t do any business in Europe you can easily remove the VAT number field from customer profile by navigating to Setup->Settings->Customers and set Company requires the usage of the VAT Number field to NO.